What Are Learning Assessments?
Many parents come to St. Jude’s because they have concerns about their child’s progress in school and they do not know what to do. Typically most in-school learning assessments answer the question: at what grade level is my child performing?
Sometimes the answer to this question provides enough information for the creation of an IEP (Individual Education Plan), but many times a more detailed investigation is need to also answer:
- Why is my child experiencing learning difficulties?
- What can we do about it?
- What can my child’s teacher do differently to better help my child?”
Free Consultation – Understanding An Existing Learning Assessment
If you’ve already had a learning assessment completed, we can walk you through it line-by-line in plain language. With our help, you will be more knowledgeable and better equipped to understand your child’s learning and confident when you meet with your child’s teachers.
We will review the assessment’s recommendations and explain how the suggestions would be beneficial (or not) and how your child’s teacher could implement them into your child’s learning routine. We would show you different ways to monitor how effective these recommendations are.
This meeting takes approximately two hours and there is no charge for our consultation.
Over the years, parents have expressed their gratitude and relief to receive so much information about their child and their learning. Parents feel empowered to advocate for their child with the hope that their child can once again experience a renewed joy of learning.
To book a free consultation to discuss your child’s needs or an existing learning assessment, please contact Mrs. Cheryl McKee principal@sjsh.ca or call the school at 519-888-6620